The One Computer Security Measure I bet you haven’t thought about

Cyber Security

There are a ton of tools out there to help ensure your computer is not compromised. One I see a lot of people using is a small sticker over their built-in laptop camera to keep any prying eyes from infiltrating and recording what they are up to. I think this is a great idea and […]

Donald Trump Retweeted me. The internet is confused and so am I

trump not fat retweet

This morning I woke up to a gazillion notifications on Twitter and my first thought was: “oh crap, what did I do now?!” After all, if you’ve read a book like So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, you know that things can go really bad, really fast on social media if you’re not actively thinking through […]

The One Biggest Thing you Can Do to Improve Your Website

improve website speed 1

So you have built a great website, it’s looking great and has all of the content you need to convince new customers to buy your product or service, or sign up as a volunteer, add their name to a petition or donate to your cause. You are pushing out interesting content to a growing audiences […]

Got Google Search Console?


I know it almost goes without saying that Google Analytics is an essential component for your website. But that said, on a regular basis I still come across sites that do not have it loaded on and tracking data. So this is a gentle reminder to make sure you have Google Analytics loaded on your […]

Are you A/B testing your email subject lines?

email marekting a b testing

Email marketing still remains one of the best ways to engage existing clients, members, donors, volunteers and whatever other things you are looking for people to do with your website (most commonly referred to as conversions). You might think with the proliferation of other forms of online communication like Whats App and Slack, that email […]

Why I like paid social media campaigns

paid social media versus organic

This is a question I get asked a lot: what are the benefits of paid advertising on social media versus organic engagement and growth? Truth be told, I really don’t put much faith in using organic strategies for engaging people on social media. What I mean by organic growth is posting content onto something like […]